Rebuilding Together St. Louis is committed to helping older adults age in place!

Every year Rebuilding Together St. Louis provides free home repairs to approximately 100 homeowners.  Here's a summary of what we accomplished in our most recent fiscal year.

In their own words, here's what homeowners tell us about their experiences with Rebuilding Together St. Louis:

"I couldn't get in and out of the bath tub at all; I had to have someone help me. Now, I just have to have someone in there just in case. It increased my confidence, I'm not as nervous in my bathroom anymore."

"You put a bunch of smoke detectors in and that will be a warning to get me and my dog out of the house if something comes."

"I couldn't go in and out of my door, and you all put up a rail so I can get in and out, so I can help myself and don't have to fall getting out. If I go to the store then I can hold onto it to get back in. It has been wonderful!"


Learn more about the impact of home repairs

There's a growing body of research and interest in the need for home repairs and the impact of our work on individuals and communiites.  Following is a list of resources:

1. Research Brief "The Need for Home Repairs in St. Louis and What We Can Do About It" completed by the Center for Community Action and Innovation at the University of Missouri St. Louis (2023)

2. "Home Repair Policy Summary" developed by the Home Repair Network in St. Louis (2023)